5 Telltale Signs You Are Running Your Business In Fear

From Personal Experience

James Miller
3 min readSep 28, 2022

Are you a business owner who’s feeling stressed out, anxious, and perpetually on edge? If so, it’s entirely possible that you’re operating your business in fear. Here are five signs that this may be the case.

Photo by Elisa Ventur on Unsplash

1. You’re Constantly comparing yourself to other businesses.

If you find yourself constantly comparing your business to others, it’s a good indication that you’re operating out of fear. After all, when we compare ourselves to others, we’re usually coming from a place of scarcity and not abundance. Instead of focusing on what you have, you’re fixated on what you don’t have. This creates an endless cycle of dissatisfaction and can prevent you from taking the necessary risks to grow your business.

2. You’re reluctant to delegate or ask for help.

When we’re fearful, we tend to want to control everything. We don’t want to delegate because we’re afraid that things won’t get done the way we want them to. Asking for help can also be difficult because it makes us feel vulnerable. But the truth is, we can’t do everything ourselves and we need help from others in order to succeed. Trying to control everything or go it alone is a recipe for burnout.

3. You’re always focused on the future.

If you find yourself always living in the future and worrying about what could go wrong, it’s a sign that you’re operating from a place of fear. When we worry about the future, we’re not present in the present moment and this can lead to decisions that are based on fear instead of logic. It’s important to live in the present moment and focus on what’s happening right now.

4. You’re resistant to change.

Change can be scary but it’s also necessary for growth. If you find yourself resisting change or clinging to the status quo, it may be because you’re afraid of what could happen if you step out of your comfort zone. But change is inevitable and embracing it is essential for success.

5. You avoid taking risks altogether.

Risks are often seen as dangerous and something to be avoided at all costs but sometimes, taking risks is necessary for growth . If you find yourself avoiding risks altogether, it may be because you’re afraid of failure . But by not taking risks, you may be preventing your business from reaching its full potential .

So, if any of these five signs sound familiar, it’s possible that you’re operating your business in fear . If that’s the case , try to take some steps to address your fears . This may mean exploring where your fears are coming from and trying to let go of some of the control that you feel like you need to have . Remember , when we operate from a place of fear , our decisions are usually based on emotions instead of logic . But by facing our fears , we can make more clear-headed decisions that are based on what’s best for our businesses .



James Miller

I’m an entrepreneur who’s started a few businesses. Goal Digger/ Nutrition Nerd / Biohacker https://www.facebook.com/meetjamesonline